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Royal Scots Greys in 15mm by Bothi - WW2 Edition

Royal Scots Greys in 15mm by Bothi - WW2 Edition

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25 pdrs

Tutoring 0
Skill 5
Idea 1
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What would the British be without their 25 pdrs. So I painted up two batteries á 4 guns and a single Honey observer tank.


The first battery I painted in desert colors as they are desert models. These are the Battlefront minis from the Bootcamp. The guns are quite beautiful minis, but the crew are one of the worst cast minis I have ever seen.


25 pdrs

The second battery are Plastic Soldier late war models I already had built. As I have much more artillery pieces (like 30 or so) I choose to paint these up in a 1944 Italy pattern. This is a project for the far future.


25 pdrs

Lasty the Honey OP. I know the triangle is up side down. I guess I got confused from the Grant tanks, where I built two triangle squadrons (one upside down) due to the lack of more decals.


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