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Mage's Age of Sigmar Dark Elves

Mage's Age of Sigmar Dark Elves

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Darkling Covens

Tutoring 0
Skill 10
Idea 7
Darkling Covens
Darkling Covens
Darkling Covens
Darkling Covens
Darkling Covens
Darkling Covens

The remaining Darkling Coven entry for this project. These are two of the heroes. Both are Dark Elf Sorceresses. One is an older metal oop model on a larger base to show she is the boss, the other is the newer plastic model widely available.


All I have left to post are:


  • Order Serpentis
  • Scourge Privateers
  • Shadowblades

I think that is all the sub-factions. If I forget, I will simply add another entry.

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magelimburgertuskar Recent comment authors
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Cult of Games Member

I’ll definitely watching this ’cause there a lot of Dark Elves in my collection, all on old square bases.

Cult of Games Member

Neat 🙂
Although I do think the skin tone could be a touch lighter, but that might be the photo

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