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Kingdom of Heaven

Kingdom of Heaven

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Why 15mm?

Tutoring 6
Skill 0
Idea 8

Good question that boy, Saga is a fun game, a good set of rules and makes a fantastic skirmish game. So for a couple of boat crews of Vikings making landing and pillaging a village, 25-72 men (the average Saga game) seems reasonable to me. It’s more about raids than about massive armies clashing.

So when Studio Tomahawk released the Crusade book it jarred a little. When most people think of the Crusades they think of armies clashing, Barons forces of hundreds of men rather than tens.

So I decided to drop down a scale, but the scale is the only thing I’ve dropped.

Are you a giant?Are you a giant?

The nice thing is that the game stays exactly the same, no changes to any rules are required the only thing I have to change is the amount of tiny men on the bases. instead of four bases of hearthguard with a single man on each, now I’ll have four bases with two or three cavalry, or three or four infantry.

All of a sudden an eight man unit becomes a beefier unit of 24-32 men

scale equivalency scale equivalency

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Cult of Games Member

Makes perfect sense to me

Cult of Games Member


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