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divineauthority's Star Wars/Mad Max 40k Guard Mash Up!

divineauthority's Star Wars/Mad Max 40k Guard Mash Up!

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The state of play so far: Vehicles

Tutoring 0
Skill 3
Idea 4
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Chimera 1

Another more Mad Max, post-apocalyptic wasteland/desert themed model here. I needed some transports for my vet squads to help them get up close and personal. For the Orlocks I quite liked the look of the GOliath and felt it fit in with a rough background of a planet that has had to make use of their everyday industrial vehicles to go to war with.

So with this in mind I went with the Genestealer Cult Goliath. It’s got a great industrial look and only needed me to add a multi-laser and heavy bolter to it to match up for rules.

I had a bit of drama when it came to weathering this as I applied pigment powders, fixed them and they seemed to disappear.

So I applied more and tried a varnish.

And they disappeared.


So I did it a 3rd time, sealed it with pigment fixer and just left it. Next morning I woke up to an extremely sandy Goliath…

And yes it has a base too! I had plans for some hover vehicles which would need basing and with all the infantry on bases I wanted to keep it consistent and have based everything. Apologies if that sets off inner turmoil in any of you.


This is one of the aforementioned hover vehicles. I’d seen a similar concept on Facebook somewhere and really liked the asymmetrical nature of what had been done. This is made from some Sector Mechanicus terrain kits, the flamer from a Grey Knight Dreadknight and the top cockpit from a Storm Raven.

Fluff-wise I like to think of it as an old water tanker that would go around making deliveries. However when the war came it got re-purposed; filled with promethium and a flamer attached to unleash fury.

I don’t appear to have a proper photo of this painted so here’s some WIP construction shots.

Leman Russ Executioner

Back to Star Wars with this one and another model crowbar’d to have some roughly suitable fluff. An old racing vehicle that had an old turret strapped to it to become war-worthy.

This caused some consternation when I first put some pics up on a converters group on Facebook as a lot of people really don’t seem to like Episode 1. Also, the turret is quite large and throws off the visual balance of the model, I can understand the criticism but

a) I have the small bit of fluff as an excuse

b) I couldn’t find anything better at the time.

This tank is made from Tau Piranha engines, an Onager Dunecrawler body, Leman Russ turret. The main weapon comes from the Onager with the radar dish-esque bit trimmed back and some plasma culverins from the Kataphron Destroyer kit. A bit of floral wire and acrylic tubing and it was complete!

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