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Tek Titan

Tek Titan

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Touchdown at Starbase New Mexico

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Thursday – April 26, 2018

The Titan has arrived! 2 large boxes showed up today full of massive amounts of resin. The main body (mine is number 698) along with  Mars-Alpha Pattern Head, Lucius-Alpha Pattern Head, Laser Blasters, Sunfury Plasma Annihilator, Belicosa Volcano Cannon, Apocalypse Missile Launchers, and 2 Arioch Power Claws are now siting on my table. This is incredibly fast and I can only guess that most if not all of these items were cast ahead of time and taken to the Salute game show. I don’t care why it arrived so fast, I own a Titan and it is in my hands. So much resin to shift through and yet all I can do is stare. Well, stare and fondle. There is so much work to be done and now, with the titan here, the work can start.

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