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divineauthority's Star Wars/Mad Max 40k Guard Mash Up!

divineauthority's Star Wars/Mad Max 40k Guard Mash Up!

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The state of play so far: Crusaders

Tutoring 0
Skill 7
Idea 2

Crusader 1

The first of my counts as crusaders was built and painted for a Xmas painting competition at my local GW store. We had to do something with a bauble and my original plan of a goblin fishing for a squig failed horribly when I used some old water effects that just would not clear up.

So I switched tact and decided to build and paint something I was planning to use for my army anyway, and I was lucky enough to get first place in the Advanced level at the shop, promoting me into their ‘eavy metal category.

You may notice that this is where the Star Wars vibe creeps in…

That's a power sword, I promise!That's a power sword, I promise!

I used the Silver Tower elf as the basis for the model with the head and gloved hand from the Wood Elf Glade Guard. The other arm is a spare from the Escher and the blade replaced with the pole of a standard (I think a Harlequin one, not that it matters) to give that slightly flared look towards the base.

This was my first attempt at some basic OSL and it turned out that the GW Waywatcher Green glaze was perfect for a simple approach. A couple of carefully placed layers of that seems to work wonders! (And you’ll see that effect used in numerous other places in the army.

Crusader 2

A month or so later, I followed up the first ‘Crusader’ with a second. This time the base of the model being a Harlequin Solitaire. Just looking at it, it became pretty obvious it was nearly perfect as is, again just adding some poles from various standards and a bit of trimming to shorten the hood and remove some of the more obvious Eldar iconography.

It may be more obvious who this is meant to look like...It may be more obvious who this is meant to look like...

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Cult of Games Member

The OSL on Crusader 1 has really come out fantastic. Really just looks like the “power sword” is glowing and lighting the mini.


these look amazing 🙂 such a clever idea, would love to see more harlequin sith too 🙂

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