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divineauthority's Star Wars/Mad Max 40k Guard Mash Up!

divineauthority's Star Wars/Mad Max 40k Guard Mash Up!

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The state of play so far: Veteran Infantry squads

Tutoring 0
Skill 5
Idea 1
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Escher Vets

The new Necromunda plastics helped start off this project at the back end of 2017 with me originally thinking of doing an all female army using the Escher models.

Hobby butterfly mode kicked in quite quickly though and I started to get carried away. Regardless, the Escher models were my first painted unit for the army with only a couple of minor conversions so that 3 models were carrying plasma guns.

I don’t have super great photos at the moment so I’ll do a later update with some better pics.

The painted Escher squad.The painted Escher squad.

Orlock Vets

I was lucky enough to get my hands on the Orlocks early at the Heresy/Necromunda Weekender back in February. I’ve only actually built and painted 9 of these so far (this time with 3 Meltas) as the 10th is mid conversion for well known smuggler from a distant galaxy.

For the couple of games I’ve played, I’ve been using one of the Necromunda Hired Guns set to count as a sergeant. However, I picked up the funky Orlock character with the hammer and dog at Warhammerfest so he’ll be able to jump in with them.

The painted Orlock squad.The painted Orlock squad.

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