Plastic Soldier Company has been previewing some options which are dropping soon for Battlegroup Northag.
Plastic Soldier Company have got on board with the creators of Historical wargame Mortem et Gloriam and there will be a launch of a new MEG Compendium coming next month (fingers crossed!).
PSC Games are working alongside Dávid Turczi to bring a new Sci-Fi wargame to the tabletop via Kickstarter in April.
Plastic Soldier Company are continuing to soldier on (hah) with more releases in 15mm for your World War II games.
Some big news hit this week concerning Plastic Soldier Company and their future relationship with Simon Hall.
Plastic Soldier Company has been talking about a new Battlegroup option coming soon, Northag.
PSC Games are delving into the world of the roll n' write game with Rome & Roll which is coming to Kickstarter in October.
The Plastic Soldier Company has been teasing the coming of a new book for those who want to dive into a different theatre of war.
Justin and Gerry show us the kit for Plastic Soldier Company's Steyr Heavy Car.
Check out this 20mm scale T55 main battle tank from Plastic Soldier Company.
Let’s Play – Lincoln
6 years ago 3Ryan is joined by Katie from PSC Games to play Martin Wallace's new game - Lincoln.
Katie from PSC Games joins Cass and Ryan in the studio to play through a game of Quartermaster General - Cold War.
We announce the winners of The End Is Night Terrain Challenge and find out what's new from PSC Games!
Plastic Soldier Company has now released a range of 1/300th Scale Planes for you to use in your aerial dogfights on the tabletop.
PSC Games are on Kickstarter once more with another of their Historical board games. This one is Ian Brody's Quartermaster General: The Cold War.
Plastic Soldier Company has now released an additional Campaign Supplement for you to snap up when playing Battlegroup Torch.
Plastic Soldier Company gave us a look ahead at what's coming for their World War II range and it seems to be some Universal Carriers in 15mm scale!
Plastic Soldier Company has some new releases for all gamers of WWII.
As we come to the end of November you've only got a few more hours to get in on the pre-order bonuses for picking up the Battlegroup Rule Book from The Plastic Soldier Company.
Plastic Soldier Company has a new Kickstarter going to bring the next iteration of Quartermaster General to life and this time they are covering the First World War.
Kildare Paintworks are working away on some new 20mm Scale British Artillery Command figures for use in your World War II gaming. The original metal models can be seen here by Plastic Soldier Company.
Plastic Soldier Company are now on Kickstarter looking for funding to get the remake of Battle of Britain, a classic by Richard Borg, onto the tabletop.
Community member oriskany rounds off his article series on Battlegroup by looking at the variety of campaigns, theatres and scenarios open to you...
We're back exploring more from the world of Battlegroup as we learn about the other options open to you including special rules, airstrikes and more...
We move on to learn more about Battlegroup where we discuss the way in which both Movement and Firing is worked out in this game...
Come and join Oriskany and Piers from Ironfist Publishing to learn more about Battlegroup, a fantastic looking World War II ruleset for all manner of scales...
The Great War board game from The Plastic Soldier Company has a new expansion that brings tanks rumbling onto the battlefield.
Plastic Soldier Company have added the re-released Mini Ruleset for Battlegroup to their webstore so you can get your hands on the rules in a slimmed down format. This is a handy soft back version that contains the rules found in Battlegroup Krusk...
Plastic Soldier Company have taken to Kickstarter to fund an expansion to The Great War board game/war game. It will contain rules, miniatures and terrain tiles for bringing tanks to the battlefield of World War I.
Plastic Soldier Company bolster the fighting potential of the Germans in World War II with a new Halftrack model, the SdKfz 251/C. See what you think of it complete with crew and stowage...
The Italians dig in and the British have to work out how to continue their campaign in the second article series from oriskany on The Desert War of World War II. A new leader enters the fray too, Erwin Rommel...
We're chatting Alien Vs Predator, Bolt Action Planes (Wroooom!) and the future of Kings Of War, plus giving away some prizes! Come and join us for The Weekender...
Plastic Soldier Company have now added a new 15mm plastic set to their webstore for use with World War II gaming. The German elite are making a show of force with the Fallschirmjaeger getting a whopping 141 miniatures making up three platoons and and a company HQ...
Plastic Soldier Company is releasing some elite Fallschirmjäger in 15mm scale.
Plastic Soldier Company have put together a little preview of their 15mm scale A9 Tank that becomes the A9, A9cs, A10mkII, A10mkIIcs, A10mkII- A kit boxes...
Check out a vast array of new German reinforcements coming from Plastic Soldier Company over the next few weeks. There's so much to enjoy!
See what S&S Models and Plastic Soldier Company have come up with when it comes to upgrading your tanks from one type to another with some new kits.
Plastic Soldier Company have teased another big unit coming your way soon for 15mm World War II wargaming. See what you think of this nice set of Sdkfz-250!