SN Battle Reports & Club


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SN Battle Reports kicked off Four years ago as a side project between two friends in a local wargaming club on the Rock of Gibraltar. The premise was to recreate the feel of the classic 40K White Dwarf battle reports of yore and bring this style to an audience familiar with them, but also introduce newer gamers to the style who perhaps have only experienced battle reports as Youtube videos. The focus of SN is on artistic quality, be it our tables, the terrain we use, the models themselves and the narratives that accompany each report. The team has become 5-strong: we share duties but each has our designated roles, Tech-Priest, Pict Recorder, Artificer, Librarian. We wanted the heart of the project to lie in the aesthetics of 40K & 30k, which is what attracted us all to the hobby in the first place. The results so far have been inspiring for us. We have met some great people with some truly magnificent armies and made strong links with other gaming communities from all around the world. And most importantly had a load of fun doing it all!