We check out a whole host of Warhammer 40,000 goodness this week. Mutants, Daemons and incredibly painted Primaris Captains!
John gets stuck into a new painting tutorial showing off how to paint a Dystopian Wars Yangtze Class Battleship from the Ning Jing Battlefleet.
We check out some sculpting, a little bit of electronic wizardry and also a converted creation for Warhammer 40,000. A little bit of everything for you this week thanks to our community!
Join John for a miniature painting tutorial for Wild Assent as he works on the Seeker, Koralt, from the board game by Lazy Squire Games.
We check out an awesomely painted French Infantry unit for Napoleonic wargaming, a very cool Warhammer 40K vignette and finally a bunch of heroes!
In this week's Community Spotlight we're looking at some Ancient Elves, the start of an epic Bot War project and also a toe-dip into the world of Malifaux.
Dropzone Commander players! Have you got some unpainted miniatures that need a little tender love and care for purpose? There is a new competition live on The Dropzone Commander Community page on Facebook, and they are looking for awesome entrees to win some TTCombat goodies.
All aboard! There are some very special terrain sets coming this week from TTCombat, as we are heading on the Red Star Railway. The World War terrain range is expanding once more, with brand new trains, tracks and platforms that reside 2000 miles East into Soviet Russia. Get your tickets ready, as these unique MDF kits are sure to get your tabletop exactly where you are heading for.
Flames Of War Painting Tutorial – Sherman Firefly
4 years ago 7John head back to World War II and paints up this Sherman Firefly tank from Battlefront Miniatures' Flames Of War
Who would have thought it? Gerry Can show you how to use those funky Nail Art Stencils to "cheat" and freehand your symbols and patterns onto your miniatures.
We check out some fun new characters for Dunkeldorf, kit-bashed Space Wolves and some stunning Warcry warbands.
We get a look at a Pulp City battle report, someone's first painted Stormcast Eternals and an army of ancient Fantasy Warriors!
Deck of Worlds is a standalone deck of prompts that is currently up on Kickstarter. And no, I am not writing about a brand new card game with twists and turns. I am writing about a new tool for us creative brains to help us immerse ourselves in our own new worlds at a quicker pace. No need to wait for inspiration to strike and Deck of Worlds has got us covered.
Gerry Can is back talking about Washes again. This time around he's showing off some techniques for making a more professional wash which takes things to the next level.
An adventure into the world of Rangers Of Shadow Deep, some Fantasy Vikings for SAGA and a finished Hundred Kingdoms army for Conquest!
We get a look at the start of a Stargrave crew, a towering Titan for Adeptus Titanicus and some stunningly painted Infinity figures too.
John breaks out the Green Stuff World Colour Shift Paint Set and has a look at how they react on two of the most common priming colours. Could these be the next trick in your hobby arsenal?
Gerry Can show you how to make your own home-brewed washes using pretty much any paint in your collection!
We get a look at some Star Wars Clones, a family of Lannisters and some Fallen-hunting Dark Angels for Warhammer 40,000.
We get a look at some classic Orcs, a band of Anno Domini 1666 swashbucklers and finish off with a dip into 15mm and Ancient Wargaming!
John gets stuck into a new painting tutorial as he shows off the classic colour scheme of the Biel Tan Craftworld on a Warhammer 40,000 Aeldari Howling Banshee.
Gerry Can show you how to make custom wargaming tokens for use in your tabletop games.
Take a dive into the realm of historical wargame with this week's Community Spotlight PLUS we also take to the stars with a new crew of miscreants!
Come and join us for another delve into the Projects to find the best of the best from the last week or so. We're going to be getting stuck into lots of great looking miniature wargaming painting and hobbying this week...
John shows us how to paint the character Lady Reneta from the board game Stormsunder by Lazy Squire Games.
Gerry Can show you how to arm your fighters for games as diverse as Saga: Age of Vikings, to Saga: Age of Hannibal. Not only will this technique allow you to make the most terrifying weapon of history, the pointed stick, but it can also easily fit into fantasy gaming such as Saga: With A Little Bit of Magic!
We check out some speedily painted Cursed City miniatures, Mushroom Trees and a monstrous Warmaster Titan for Adeptus Titanicus this week.
We get a look at an ingenious idea for Genestealer Cults, a full Norman army for SAGA and finish with a flourish as we head to Venice and Carnevale.
John shows us how to paint the character Capac Roca from their board game Stormsunder by Lazy Squire Games.
Gerry Can show you how to use that tricky substance, Matt Varnish! He takes a look at four of the most popular Matt Varnish products on the market and how to get the best from them.
Join us for a peek at Silver Tower heroes, Miremarsh Goblins and the start of some epic Infamy, Infamy! armies for Ancient wargaming.
John breaks out the brushes and starts work on a Heavy Dwarf Infantry miniatures for 28mm Fantasy wargame, Oathmark: Battles Of The Lost Age by Osprey Games.
We get a look at some speed painted Aliens miniatures, a trip to Sleepy Hollow and a dive under the sea to meet an eldritch master!
Gerry Can show you how to make excellent custom basing mixes which make the process fast and easy.
It's the return of the Spring Clean Hobby Challenge. It's springtime, a period of the year all about renewal and regrowth. We're asking you to crack out your old, broken, badly painted (yet still awesome) projects and give them a new lease of life.
Some fantastic Fantasy offerings for you this week as part of Community Spotlight. Make sure to dive on in and see what we've picked out.
Stunning miniatures from The Barons' War, Titan-Forge's excellent Fantasy Samurai range and even a dive into Burrows & Badgers feature this week!
John gets stuck into a painting tutorial for a 28mm WWII American Paratrooper from Warlord Games' Bolt Action.
Join Gerry for another hobby tutorial where he shows you the best way to add Dots to a variety of miniatures using a nail art tool!
We're checking out some Dungeon Saga miniatures, an excellent looking Star Wars diorama and also some 15mm Vietnam War miniatures too!
We take a look at some excellent painting on Space Marines, Native Americans and some tiny World War II warships!
Got some leftover sprues? Gerry Can show you how to use all of those bits that you'd normally toss away and turn them into something useful when building miniatures.