We dive into a Blood & Plunder painting tutorial where John shows off how to paint the Sloop from Firelock Games for their 28mm piratical naval wargame.
Build armies of the dead, dive into the awesome world of Bot War with some amazingly well-painted miniatures and finally, get a look at a stunning Judge Dredd project!
Join us for a look at some amazing Historical wargaming projects and also something a little different for the world of Necromunda!
In this video, John dives into painting one of the personalities, Amaro Pargo, from Firelock Games' excellent miniature wargame, Blood & Plunder. Get piratical with one of these excellent 28mm Pirates for use when playing out Historical adventures on the tabletop.
We delve into a fantastically yellow Swedish army, explore a wonderful diorama from The First Age and then hit the battlefield with the USMC.
In this week's Community Spotlight, we have a look at some bugs battling Starship Troopers alongside some snowy Dwarves and a trip into the realm of Warhammer Fantasy Battles.
In this tutorial, John paints up an alternative Chimera miniature from GGWargame for use with your Astra Militarum armies of Warhammer 40,000. This would be great for use with your Cadian armies and the paint scheme could be replicated on other Sci-Fi vehicles.
In this video, Gerry dives into a review of the RedGrass Games Wet Palette Painter Lite which can be used to make sure your paint mixes don't dry out. Use it on the move or have it in your designated miniature painting area at home.
Join us for another Community Spotlight as we're exploring old-school miniatures, the weird world of Malifaux and also some awesome Flames Of War too.
We have a look at a fantastic diorama, some mighty lizardfolk storming forth from the jungle and some mighty heroes from the realm of Glorantha.
In this week's Gerry Can, we show off how to use the Leaf Punches from Green Stuff World in order to create nice basing materials for use on your tabletop miniatures.
We have a look at an excellent diorama, some undead that are shambling into Zombicide AND a final push to get a bunch of Kingdom Death miniatures finished.
We have a look at some excellent painting for the start of the year including mighty Ironjawz, a Cheese Riot and some Firefight Forge Fathers from Mantic Games.
Join us for a celebration of the OnTableTop Community as we dive into the Cult Of Games Community Awards 2022.
In this week's Community Spotlight, we have a look at an army for the Genestealer Cults, a big German Submarine and finish off with the mighty Tiamat!
In this painting tutorial, John shows off how to paint a 15mm Typhoon Ground Attack Aircraft from Battlefront Miniatures' World War 2 Historical wargame, Flames Of War. This plane will be doing some tank busting.
In this week's Community Spotlight, we have a look at someone enforcing the law, some soldiers battling in a sweltering jungle and a band of soldiers fighting in the grimdark future.
In this week's Community Spotlight, we're having a look at a grand Dungeon Saga set, some Clash Of Spears battles and a bit of Home Raiders!
In this week's Gerry Can, Gerry shows off the process of making many different colours of metallic paint for use with your wargaming miniatures.
In this week's Community Spotlight, we have a look at some amazing planes, a mighty maiden and Flames Of War on a much smaller scale than 15mm!
In this video, John shows off how to paint a British 8th Army Infantryman from the Bolt Action "A Gentleman's War" boxed set from Warlord Games. A sterling painting tutorial for those fighting in the Desert War.
Dive into our Community Spotlight for this week where we're talking about grimdark cake, a look at Herbie in the wasteland and also some Soviet Tankriders from the Eastern Front of World War II.
This week, we're going to be looking at some awesome ideas for converted Harlequins, some warriors of Minas Tirith from Middle-earth and finally, some Sci-Fi terrain for Space Station Zero.
We get stuck into two excellent diorama/display pieces for this week with something Orky and something for Star Wars. We also then dive into two excellent fleets for a bit of Dystopian Wars.
Learn how to paint The Prydain War Rotor from the Sturginium Skies Starter Set for Dystopian Wars. Techniques learned here can be used to paint more of your Crown forces!
In this week's Community Spotlight, we take a look at some stunning Wild West Terrain, a big ol' Bust and a trip into the weird world of Flintloque.
John shows off how to paint a 28mm Sci-Fi Eisenkern Stormtrooper from Wargames Atlantic's Iron-Core range designed by Mark Mondragon.
In this week's Gerry Can, Gerry is going to show you how to fix bent and broken airbrush needles using the SharpenAir tools.
Community Spotlight: Squat All, A Middle-earth Mega Battle & Villains For Marvel: Crisis Protocol
2 years ago 4In this week's Community Spotlight, we're looking at some plucky Squats, a massive Middle-earth battle and some brilliant Marvel: Crisis Protocol miniatures!
In this week's Community Spotlight, we're delving into some Victorian Sci-Fi, the Afrika Korps and then a bit of King Arthur in the Dark Ages!
We show off how to paint a Warrior Of Rohan quickly and easily using the slapchop technique for use in Games Workshop's Middle-earth Strategy Battle Game.
Continuing his look at airbrushing, in this week's Gerry Can, he shows how you can make cheap airbrush thinner using deionised water and alcohol.
In this week's Community Spotlight, we're delving into a Frozen City, venturing behind enemy lines and then battling the forces of Order with some Beastmen.
We dive in and have a look at what you've been working on this week. We have some mighty Dystopian Wars, some epic Warcry terrain and a trip down memory lane to Mordheim.
John returns to the world of BattleTech and shows off how to paint a Bushwacker Battlemech for use in the popular wargame. Dive into a full painting tutorial on bringing the Bushwacker to life.
Vallejo has been the big name in acrylic paint for over fifty years and they have just announced some big changes and a new line for miniature painters.
In this week's Gerry Can, Gerry shows off how to make a budget Airbrush Cleaner using a mix of simple household products. It'll save you a bunch to then spend on other hobby products.
Dive into this week's Community Spotlight where we're looking at fascinating Kings Of War armies, some lovable and characterful Gnomes and an exploration of Darklands!
Join us for another Community Spotlight where we're looking at the world of Infinity, some Blood & Plunder and also a mighty Ottoman Turk army.
In this week's Gerry Can, Gerry has a tutorial on how to use Alchohol-Based Metallic Paints when diving into your miniature painting.
John shows off a painting tutorial for the German Panther D from Battlefront Miniatures for Flames Of War and their Eastern Front collection. Learn how to paint this iconic World War 2 tank.
In this week's Community Spotlight, we're having a look at Space Station Zero battle reports, some amazing Moonstone Faeries and also rules for using Jabba and his goons in Star Wars: Legion!