We're delving into the worlds of Anno Domini 1666, ArcWorlde and Warhammer this week with the Community Spotlight.
Do you know someone who can teach you an old wood technique? Well Gerry Can!
As it's May 4th we decided to focus in on a whole bunch of awesome Star Wars goodness for Community Spotlight this week. Check out some great painting and innovative world building!
See what you make of some more epic community goodness from the projects including Gods, Dwarves and Wasteland terrain!
Do you know a frolicker of forests that can accurately depict the colours of new wood on the tabletop? Well Gerry Can.
We're exploring some goodness from retro classic Warhammer Quest, Dungeons & Dragons and finally the splendid Guild Ball this week.
Come and join us for a peek at a nice range of different painting project from throughout our community. Show us your work too!
Do you know someone who can bring red brickwork to life on the tabletop? Well Gerry Can!
We're checking out a fun mix of different projects this week which explore different techniques AND throw some electronics into the mix too.
We're looking at some community streams, painting tutorials and a snippet from the wider Infinity world today in Community Spotlight.
Do you know someone who can use crayons? We're not talking about your kids. Well Gerry Can!
We've got a bit of a grimdark Warhammer 40,000 special this weekend with all three projects coming from various Games Workshop games from across the ages.
Get involved and join us for another Spring Cleaning Hobby Challenge! Upgrade old projects, tinker with disregarded miniatures and win prizes!
Come and take a peek at more of the awesome painting you folks have been getting up to as we explore the worlds of Fantasy and Sci-Fi!
Hi CoGs, we've got a great deal this weekend that will help you keep your hobby projects on track.
The time has come to finish the epic tutorial series on The Altar Of The Succubi from Raging Heroes.
Have you ever wanted to know how to make your terrain look super realistic? Well Gerry Can!
Come and join us for another delve into the Projects to find the best of the best from the last week or so. We're going to be getting stuck into lots of great looking pieces this week...
FIXED :) We are continuing with the Altar of the Succubi model this week as we tackle the cauldron of blood!
Can Gerry make a Snow Base? Of course, he can! Join Gerry as he shows off his own thoughts on making that perfect snow base for your characters to wander around on.
We're diving in and checking out some absolutely sterling painting by our community once more across the genres.
After a mammoth priming session John is ready to move on to the next stage of this herculean session.
Do you know someone who can make a sashimono? Well Gerry Can!
We're looking at more awesomeness this week as we check out two Sci-Fi worlds with very different models and also take a trip back to World War II.
The Altar Of The Succubi is fully built and John is ready to paint this intimidating model from Raging Heroes.
Do you know someone who can put magnets in your miniatures? Well Gerry Can!
Come and check out more from our Projects system as we show off loads more painted goodness from you folks in the community.
Do you know someone who can make moulds? Well Gerry Can!
Come and check out some awesome painting for the grimdark far future, mighty gods and a deadly schoolgirl!
Do you know someone who can put circuit boards in your miniatures to light up their eyes? Well Gerry Can't!
Do you know somebody who can apply amazing blood effects to a model? Gerry Can!
Share your thoughts on what made tabletop gaming world AWESOME for you last year. Get your favourite companies, individuals, products and more involved!
Come and join us for a look at some fantastic monsters, some great classic models and some new ones too!
Do you know someone - a kind, elderly wizard type - who could show you how to apply decals on to your miniatures? Gerry Can!
We're checking out some awesome Non-Metallic Metal work, tiny Crusaders and more from the Projects system!
John has bust down the front door to make sure you get to see the final part of his Cerastus Knight paint job.
Have you ever wanted someone to show you how to make great banners for the tabletop? Gerry Can!
We're back looking at some awesome painting projects from across the Sci-Fi, Fantasy and Historical genres. Dive in!
John is back to grace your screens with his painting know how in part two of his Cerastus Knight extravaganza.
Do you know someone who can create a gorgeous river feature on a miniature base? Gerry Can!
Check out some mighty heroes, strange Sci-Fi creations and grimdark terrain for you to fight over this week.
John has entered the new year with gusto and is going to paint up some of his Christmas gifts starting with this Cerastus Knight!