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Tanks Unboxing: Pershing Tank Expansion

8 years ago 8

It's time to unbox some more TANKS! John's particularly excited about this one and you guys know it!

Infinity Sneak Peek: Bakunin Jurisdictional Command Starter Pack

8 years ago 18

We're back to look at an awesome sneak peek for the world of Infinity. Here we have the Bakunin Jurisdictional Command Starter Pack!

Knights Of Ren: Ep 1/12 – I Find Your Lack Of Faith Disturbing

8 years ago 0

Vader/Raider, the deck people are talking about, we build live on the show. This week we talk about how to build Vader/Raider in the aggro style, go over each card in detail on what they bring to the deck and how to use them.

Dropfleet Commander Boot Camp – Sunday ... 31 UPDATES!

8 years ago 2260

Dropfleet Commander: Demo Game – UCM VS Scourge

8 years ago 54

Dropfleet Commander Boot Camp – Saturday ... 50 UPDATES!

8 years ago 3946

Dropfleet Commander Boot Camp – Friday ... 19 UPDATES!

8 years ago 1737

Let’s Play Kingdom Death Monster – Lantern Year Four

8 years ago 44

It's time for us to adventure off into the world of Kingdom Death: Monster on the hunt of a Lion in this nightmarish world...

VLOG: Anatomy Of A Kickstarter With Hawk Wargames’ Dave

8 years ago 104

We're talking with Dave from Hawk Wargames about the way in which a Kickstarter project comes together and the trials and tribulations of running a fundraiser.

Community Spotlight: Scyrah Constructs, Snowtroopers & Slimy Space Bugs

8 years ago 12

Team Yankee Unboxing: Soviet & American Paint Set

8 years ago 6

Today we're unboxing the Soviet & American Paint sets from Battlefront for Team Yankee.

Vlog: Dropfleet Commander Week – Moons Complete & Final Layout

8 years ago 33

Lloyd's stolen the cameraman to continue his Moons, moving on to colouring and shading the craters on the surfaces.

Dawn Of The Dark Age: Dragyri Show Down – Fire Caste Tricks & Tactics

8 years ago 3

We're here for another installment of Dawn Of The Dark Age and learning some Fire Caste Tricks & Tactics.

Making & Designing Dropfleet Commander Stat Cards

8 years ago 11

Adrian Eccles takes us through how he designed his own Stat Cards for use with Dropfleet Commander!

VLOG: Dropfleet Commander Week – A Space Station Odyssey

8 years ago 54

With the ships out of the way it's time to have a look at creating some holographic objective markers. It's amazing to see what a little drybrushing can do for the detail on all the buildings.

Drop Tactics: Bombarding The Enemy From Range

8 years ago 4

We're learning about the unique Bombardment play-style for Dropzone Commander and how you might combat it...

VLOG: Dropfleet Commander Week – Lloyd’s Polystyrene Moons

8 years ago 41

While John's been painting up Warren's fleets, we take a moment to join Lloyd at the next table.

Grimskull Unboxing: Necrocyborg Grim Reaper & Female Warrior

8 years ago 9

Today John and Justin are opening up a Grimskull package showing off the amazing Grim Reaper and the Female Warrior Conversions.

Download Re-Roll Issue #4

8 years ago 28

Let’s Play: Bolt Action Beach Assault (Game Two)

8 years ago 13

We're back for another game of Bolt Action by Warlord Games. This time the lads have swapped sides for this Beach Assault!

VLOG: Dropfleet Commander Week – John’s Paint Schemes

8 years ago 36

With less than a week to go for the Dropfleet Bootcamp, we're wrecking our minds together to get work complete on the various ships, moons and tables ready for the all important weekend.