Otherworld Unleash More Demons & Adventurers On To The Tabletop

April 9, 2020 by brennon

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Otherworld Miniatures dropped a bunch of neat new releases for those going on Fantasy adventures during this isolation period. A selection of Demons, Adventurers, hapless NPCs and more have made it into the mix this time around.

Magic User & Fighter - Otherworld Miniatures

We start with a pair of heroes who might be rather familiar to some of your old school adventurers. Here we have the Magic-User & Bow Fighter who look like they might have seen some time diving into dungeons back when Dungeons & Dragons was still young.

I really like the adventuring range from Otherworld as it is packed with some classic versions of Fantasy characters plus they've got a cool selection of evil "heroes" too!

The Common Folk

As well as a pair of adventuring heroes, the team at Otherworld have also created a few new NPC-style additions which might feature in the background of your scenarios.

Farmers & Peasants - Otherworld Miniatures

You could see your party wandering through the countryside on the way to a dungeon which needs delving when they come across these poor folks getting assaulted by goblins! Will you rush to their aid and help them or leave them to the whims of sneaky killers?

Monsters Galore!

Finishing things off, we've also got some interesting creatures for you to fight down in a dungeon. At the head of this little reveal we've got two very different looking demons. For example, there is this hairy beast who is rushing towards you with claws and tusks at the ready!

Type IV Demon - Otherworld Miniatures

Perhaps you require a little more of a deft hand and want to go down the dextrous route? Well, you also have the option to run this slithering Demon Lady who looks like she could have come right of a Greek myth. She would also be pretty good for those looking to take on some mighty foes in a Conan game.

Type V Demon - Otherworld Miniatures

So, if you're looking for a little bit of a classic D&D adventure then you could go with the first demon, but the second would work for something Cimmerian for sure. Whatever your flavour of Fantasy, there is something for you to take a peek at here.

Finally, we've got another classic addition to the monster selection. Here we have the Green Slime or Ooze which would be perfect for those who want a slithering and resilient foe to face on the tabletop.

Green Slime II - Otherworld Miniatures

So, regardless of your Fantasy needs, there should be something for you from the Otherworld Miniatures store. Make sure to dive into their back catalogue as they have a lot of fun bits and bobs for you to pick up and sales every-so-often too.

What do you make of the Otherworld collection?

"We start with a pair of heroes who might be rather familiar to some of your old school adventurers..."

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