The Xenophon Makes A Statement For Dystopian Wars

July 23, 2024 by brennon

Warcradle Studio has announced the miniatures coming for August and Dystopian Wars. The Xenophon is front and centre with a new Battlefleet Set from Warcradle for those playing as the Enlightened.

Xenophon Battlefleet Set - Dystopian Wars

Xenophon Battlefleet Set // Dystopian Wars

Shop Dystopian Wars @ Wayland Games

The Xenophon is an impressive Battlecruiser which ploughs through the waves and can strike from where the enemy least expects it as it bursts through the surface of the water after being submerged. As well as being able to build this vessel as the Xenophon...

Xenophon Class - Dystopian Wars

Xenophon Class // Dystopian Wars can also choose to run the vessel as a Kepler or Loew Class ship if you prefer. These come with slightly different armaments that will fulfil different roles during battles. All you need to know is that there are plenty of deadly beam-based weapons for you to choose from.

Loew Class - Dystopian Wars

Loew Class // Dystopian Wars

Kepler Class - Dystopian Wars

Kepler Class // Dystopian Wars

As well as the Xenophon Battlecruiser, the new set also comes with two Lovelace (may also be built as Stiletto, Copernicus, Ulysses, Chatelet or Antarctica Class) and six of the Amo which can also be built as the Merian. You have some great options here for surprising your foes and showing that might is right amongst the forces of the Enlightened.

Dystopian Wars Dice Set

As well as the new Battlefleet, you can also get your hands on a Dice Set.

Dice Set - Dystopian Wars

Dice Set // Dystopian Wars

This Dice Set comes with a set of custom six-sided dice, both Action and Critical Damage dice. They feature special symbols which relate to certain results. Your Action Dice are used to damage your opponents and defend against attacks as well as decide the success of other important actions. You can also use the Critical Damage dice to mark the damage done to your miniatures during battle.

These two sets are available during the month of August and should provide you with some fun options for getting stuck into the Enlightened.

Will you be checking out the new releases?

"You have some great options here for surprising your foes and showing that might is right amongst the forces of the Enlightened..."

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