William King Joins Warlord Games’ Konflikt ’47 Writing Team

August 12, 2024 by brennon

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Warlord Games has announced that William King, writer for the worlds of Warhammer and beyond, is going to be joining them as part of their writing and development team for Konflikt '47.

Konflikt 47 - Warlord Games

Konflikt '47 // Warlord Games

King is most well known for his work as part of The Black Library bringing the Warhammer Fantasy Battles characters of Gotrek and Felix to life starting with the novel Trollslayer (which subsequently went on to be one of the longest-running Black Library series). He also worked on the Ragnar Blackmane series of Warhammer 40,000 novels focused on the famous Space Wolves Space Marine. He has also worked within the world of World Of Warcraft and Warzone: Mutant Chronicles so he knows how to pen a tale or two.

From Warlord Games...

"With his vast creative experience and expertise, William will be crucial in building and developing the in-game universe, working with both rules and background, alongside Andy Chambers – and several other big names who’ll be announced in the not-too-distant future! It’s a thrilling time for Konflikt ’47, with an all-star cast working to take the game and universe to new heights."

It's great to see that as well as dealing with updating the mechanical side of things, Warlord Games is also looking to enhance the background for Konflikt '47.

Bill King - Konflikt 47

William King // Konflikt '47

It sounds like King is also excited to see what the future holds for Konflikt '47...

"World War 2 plus Dieselpunk! Undead! Monsters! What's not to love? Konflikt '47 speaks to any number of my obsessions--retro-tech SF, alternate history, WW2, to name but a few. I am also very happy to be working with Andy Chambers again, and the rest of this great team."

More announcements are planned for Konflikt '47 this month. It seems like the future is bright for Konflikt '47 and there are some great things on the horizon for the game.

Are you a Konflikt '47 fan? What would you like to see them enhance and change about the game as they move forward with this update?

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"What would you like to see them enhance and change about the game as they move forward with this update?"

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