The Unforgiven Join Empress Miniatures’ Wild West Range

January 17, 2023 by brennon

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A new set of characters have been added to Empress Miniatures' Wild West collection. The Wild Bunch has expanded with some fun new personalities and a cast of characters that might end up getting in the way of a gunfight or two.

William Munny - Empress Miniatures

William Munny // Empress Miniatures

The first of the miniatures is for William Munny. A retired gunman and outlaw, this fellow has quite the bounty on his head and there are plenty of people out there looking to collect. There are some characters joining Munny in your tabletop retellings of Unforgiven though with the likes of Ned Logan...

Ned Logan - Empress Miniatures

Ned Logan // Empress Miniatures

...and also Schofield Kid. Both of these characters come with weapons that you'll be familiar with from the films and indeed weapons that Munny uses later on down the line.

Scofield Kid - Empress Miniatures

Schofield Kid // Empress Miniatures

If you're looking to do a particular retelling of a Wild West adventure then these might be fun miniatures to snap up and add to your collection. Rounding things off, you're also able to pick up the Unforgiven Cast which is a set with four miniatures in it.

Unforgiven Cast - Empress Miniatures

Unforgiven Cast // Empress Miniatures

From left to right, this includes English Bob, W.W Beauchamp, Delialah Fitzgerald and finally Sheriff "Little" Bill Daggett. Again, some fun characters if you're seeking to build up an interesting collection of miniatures for a retelling of film events.

All of these miniatures are available to check out on the Empress Miniatures webstore. See what you think of them and perhaps include them in your next Wild West adventure.

Will you be picking these up?

"...some fun characters if you're seeking to build up an interesting collection of miniatures for a retelling of film events"

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