New What If Sets & Historical Miniatures From Wargames Atlantic

January 23, 2024 by brennon

Wargames Atlantic has released a whole bunch of new sets for those diving into Historical wargames and What If scenarios on the tabletop. There's even a smattering of Sci-Fi in there for good measure. See what you make of their new 3D Printable sets available over on Atlantic Digital.

Xerxes Victorious - Wargames Atlantic

Xerxes Victorious // Wargames Atlantic

We start with Xerxes Victorious which follows a different route through history. What if Xerxes had been victorious at the battle of Salamis? He is shown here with the head of Themistocles as the battle turned in favour of the Persians. A fun miniature to paint up as part of a diorama or vignette.

Next up, we're going a bit further forward in history and having a look at some of the Japanese Imperial Troops 19th Century.

Japanese Imperial Troops 19th Century - Wargames Atlantic

Japanese Imperial Troops 19th Century // Wargames Atlantic

This explores a take on Japanese history where Tokugawa Ieyasu had not opened up the country to the world but instead brought back secrets and Western technology. This means that these soldiers are armed with different weapons like modern repeating rifles that have allowed them to expand their reach much further than in our history. This means that you could pit them against all manner of new foes from different nations who are trying to carve out empires of their own.

Next up, we're turning to a different period of conquest as Cortez and his invading armies ransack the lands of the Aztecs. What if, the Aztecs had mastered the use of the horse and could have used it to help them defend their homeland?

Aztec Cavalry - Wargames Atlantic

Aztec Cavalry // Wargames Atlantic

The Aztecs were famously spooked by cavalry that Cortez used as part of his conquest but this could take things in a different direction. You get a whole bunch of options in the kit for making some dynamic riders who also show off the vibrant colours of the Aztecs, blurring by on their mounts.

Heading from one side of the world to the other, we're seeing what could have happened if the Han had decided to open the Silk Road and also protect those who travelled on it.

Han On The Silk Road - Wargames Atlantic

Han On The Silk Road // Wargames Atlantic

This allows you to build a Han force that might have headed out across the Silk Road to explore the lands beyond their own country. You could have these Han warriors going up against the Persians or perhaps even the Romans if you liked! Even if you don't use them for a bit of what-if wargaming, these are going to be great for those seeking to build up a fun Chinese army from this ancient period of history.

New Historical Miniatures

Taking a more accurate look at history, Wargames Atlantic has also produced more kits. You can get yourself some Benin Spearmen for one.

Benin Spearmen - Wargames Atlantic

Benin Spearmen // Wargames Atlantic

These warriors represent those who would have been part of the oldest and largest kingdom in Africa. These spearmen would be great for building up the core of your force, perhaps as they look ahead to watching over trades with those from the Meditteranean. A fascinating set of miniatures and one that might get people looking at different histories for their hobby.

Talking of rich individuals, what about Mansa Musa himself?!

Mansa Musa - Wargames Atlantic

Mansa Musa // Wargames Atlantic

Possibly one of the richest individuals in all of history, Mansa Musa was the leader of the powerful Mali Empire. This set has been designed to represent those who went with him as a retinue during his pilgrimage to Mecca. If you want to know more about him, I'd recommend listening to the You're Dead To Me episode about him from the BBC.

You could also take aim with the Kushite Archers.

Kushite Archers - Wargames Atlantic

Kushite Archers // Wargames Atlantic

This set represents those Kushite Archers that were originally an independent nation before being vassals of the Egyptians, Macedonians and the Romans. You could use them as your auxiliary forces that are watching over your flanks and keeping your troops safe or as part of a larger Kushite collection.

Maybe it's worth also heading to The Great War with the King's African Rifles.

Kings African Rifles - Wargames Atlantic

King's African Rifles // Wargames Atlantic

A solid set of miniatures that could be used for World War I battles against the Germans in East Africa. You get Lee Enfield Rifles for your soldiers alongside machetes and the iconic fezzes that set them apart on the battlefield. You could also use these soldiers for some adventures on Mars if you wanted to go Pulp!

Last but not least, we have a bit of Hornblower-style action with some Napoleonic British Sailors.

Napoleonic British Sailors - Wargames Atlantic

Napoleonic British Sailors // Wargames Atlantic

Head off to fight on the high seas against the French, Americans or maybe some pirates. The heads look particularly fitting for those wanting to do a boarding action or two with all that snarling and you get some great accessories and weapons in the set too.

Sci-Fi Soldiers!

Finishing things off, we also have some new miniatures for your Sci-Fi wargames. Get your hands on some Death Fields Civilians.

Death Fields Civilians - Wargames Atlantic

Death Fields Civilians // Wargames Atlantic

Not expected to survive the invasions of deadly foes from the distant stars, these civilians might also still be able to hold their own. Use these miniatures to represent those that you need to protect from attack or perhaps bundle them together into a rag-tag force that is going to be looking to survive against all the odds. I sense some of these characters might be "company men" meaning that they have some very different objectives from your regular soldiers.

Will you be scooping up these new 3D Printable kits?

"You could have these Han warriors going up against the Persians or perhaps even the Romans if you liked!"

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