Warp Miniatures Unleash Their Demons Of Excess

August 2, 2024 by brennon

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Warp Miniatures is now offering up a range of 3D Printable miniatures for those wanting to worship at the foot of the Lord Of Excess. The new Demons Of Excess are available for the month of August over on their Patreon.

Princeling Of Excess - Warp Miniatures

Princeling Of Excess // Warp Miniatures

Leading the way for this particular set of miniatures is the Princeling Of Excess. He holds a glittering spear aloft and a chalice which is no doubt filled with deliciously intoxicating liquid. I would guess that he draws you close before spitting you on the end of that spear.

The majority of the warband is then made up of Satyrs, cavorting in their own special way across the battlefield. They come drenched in wine and with a myriad of brutal weapons that look ready to cut you down deliciously.

Satyr - Warp Miniatures

Satyr // Warp Miniatures

There are also some beasts for you to unleash on your foes, running them down whilst on the hunt. See what you think of these lithe Spikebeasts.

Spikebeast - Warp Miniatures

Spikebeast // Warp Miniatures

This collection is great because it pulls on Oldhammer vibes but also throws in some great nods to excess from mythology. I like the choice of Satyrs as it really helps nail the theme and, as always, they are in some great poses.

Demons Of Excess - Warp Miniatures

Demons Of Excess // Warp Miniatures

I do like the little nod to Disney's Hercules in the set as well. I bet that little Satyr has a very distinct voice and it's always sunny where he decides to tread. All of these STL Files are available for you to snap up during the month of August.

Will you be checking out the Demons Of Excess?

"The majority of the warband is then made up of Satyrs..."

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