Warlord Preview The Gendarmes & Arquebusiers of the 1500s

December 17, 2014 by dracs

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Warlord Games are continuing to put out previews as part of their own advent calender celebration, the latest of which shows off a some more miniatures which are in the works for Pike and Shotte's Wars of Religion; riders of the mounted arquebusiers and gendarmes.

Arquebusier and Officer

Gendarme and Arquebusier Ensign

Gendarme officer and ensign

Even at this stage, the sculpts have superb levels of detail, with the armour picked out clearly along with the the more ornate parts of the officers' dress.

The good news is that we shouldn't have long to wait to start seeing the awesome models Warlord are promising for this range as they have stated that a lot of them will be seeing a release come early 2015. Sounds like a good way to kick off the year.

Do you like these sculpts? Are you looking forward to this range of Pike and Shotte?

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