Wargames Atlantic’s 28mm Harvesters Swarm Sci-Fi Tabletops

October 14, 2022 by brennon

Wargames Atlantic has added another plastic kit to their Sci-Fi collection this week. A swarm of 28mm Harvesters are going to be swarming over the tabletop, a mass of Alien Bugs that need to be squashed!

Harvesters - Alien Bugs Box - Wargames Atlantic

Harvesters - Alien Bugs Box // Wargames Atlantic

This new set of thirty miniatures builds on the Death Fields collection and offers up something gribbly and utterly terrible for you to face on the tabletop. Sometimes you just need an unthinking and unending wave of monsters to battle against.

Harvesters - Alien Bugs Miniatures - Wargames Atlantic

Harvesters - Alien Bugs Miniatures // Wargames Atlantic

There are enough elements in the set for you to build twenty of the big Alien Bugs alongside ten of the smaller of their kind. Whilst most of the swarm come with massive blades for legs useful in melee combat, there are also a few bits on the sprue for making ranged weapons as well. Lovely bioweapons are lovely!

Harvesters - Alien Bugs Scale - Wargames Atlantic

Harvesters - Alien Bugs Scale // Wargames Atlantic

Standing a little taller than a regular soldier in 28mm, these Alien Bugs feel like an imposing and deadly option for your tabletop wargames. Getting thirty of them for £25 also means that you should be able to build up quite the force relatively cheaply.

Whilst these could be used for mass battle wargames, I think the real awesomeness here is going to be in using these for smaller games. These would be perfect as wandering alien monsters in games like Stargrave for example.

There's also nothing to say that these Alien Bugs can't be fearsome creatures for your Fantasy heroes to face either. Plenty of terrible dark lords have swarms of strange creatures at their side.

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"These would be perfect as wandering alien monsters in games like Stargrave for example..."

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