Wargames Atlantic Run Celebratory Painting Competition!

July 27, 2023 by brennon

Wargames Atlantic is celebrating 100 File Sets being added to Atlantic Digital with a new Painting Competition! You can get involved and win yourself a pretty spectacular prize.

100 Digital Releases Painting Contest - Wargames Atlantic

100 Digital Releases Painting Contest // Wargames Atlantic

Spread across three categories - Historical, Fantasy and Sci-Fi - you will be able to submit one entry per participant per category and get it uploaded onto their Atlantic Digital webstore. You must pick a miniature or miniatures from the Atlantic Digital collection (or get the miniatures printed through Only-Games) and then get stuck into painting them up. Conversions and kit-bashing is encouraged and the folks from Wargames Atlantic are eager to see your work-in-progress in the forums.

The winners will get a pretty unique prize. Your likeness will be sculpted by the team and can then be fitted to whatever miniature they like. This means that you could actually be on the tabletop leading your army to victory.

You can find more details on submitting your entries for Fantasy, Historical or Science Fiction over on the Wargames Atlantic forums. Additional information can also be found in the announcement thread over on the Wargames Atlantic forums.

The competition will run until 31/08/2023 and then the two favourite entries from each category will be picked by the Atlantic Digital team. This seems like a great way for you to dive into their collection and paint up something fun in order to win something cool!

Will you be taking part?

"The winners will get a pretty unique prize..."

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