Wargames Atlantic Working On New Set For Forbidden Psalm: Last War

August 12, 2024 by brennon

Wargames Atlantic have announced their next game-in-a-box that they are working on. The last of their projects was for This Quar's War and the next project goes equally out there with Forbidden Psalm: The Last War.

The Last War - Will Rahman-Daultrey

The Last War // Will Rahman-Daultrey

The Last War is a Forbidden Psalm wargame by Will Rahman-Daultrey which uses rules inspired by and compatible with MORK BORG. To that end, it is very Indie and has a grimdark feel to it, all set against the backdrop of an alternative World War I.

"The Great War, World War, War to End all Wars, the only true name it has is the Last War, for now remains not enough people to fight another. The War ended not with a bang but a cough and splutter. The disease that took hold spread far and wide. Few survived the fever and filth. With so few humans left those that dwelled in the night took up the arms of man to fight over what was left. Those scattered beings hunt the trenches of the last war for scraps, salvage and weapons."

Forbidden Psalm and by extension, The Last War is a 28mm miniatures agnostic game (which can also be played solo and cooperatively) where you can use whatever you like to dive in and play your games. The Last War has a Great War vibe to it of course so it matches up very well with the plastic range from Wargames Atlantic.

The Last War Rules Preview - Will Rahman-Daultrey

The Last War Rules Preview // Will Rahman-Daultrey

The Last War boxed game from Wargames Atlantic will feature the full rulebook, tokens, dice and plenty of plastic goodness. There will be plastic miniatures from the World War I collection alongside a special conversion frame which will feature Trench Maggots, ROUS and lots of conversion bits including tentacles, heads and brutal trench warfare arms to customise and kitbash your miniatures.

The Last War Sprue Preview - Wargames Atlantic

The Last War Sprue Preview // Wargames Atlantic

The game box isn't far off being released and Wargames Atlantic has also revealed that they are working on six more game-in-a-box releases. Madness. I don't think that Wargames Atlantic ever sleep.

Could you be tempted to scoop up The Last War and give it a go? Have you tried Forbidden Psalm before?

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