Wargame & Paint At Sutton Hoo With The National Trust

July 10, 2023 by brennon

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Ever wanted to visit Sutton Hoo and learn about wargaming the Age Of The Anglo-Saxons? Well, the National Trust are putting on a fun event at Sutton Hoo on Sunday, 30th July 2023.

Sutton Hoo Wargaming Event - National Trust

Sutton Hoo Wargaming Event // National Trust

Here's what the National Trust had to say about the event...

"Enjoy the spectacle of hundreds of beautifully painted model Anglo-Saxon warriors and their enemies as they line up for mortal combat across the wargames table. You will be able to learn about how the Anglo-Saxons fought and see this on the tabletop. All of the games will enable visitor participation, so do feel free to take on the role of an Anglo-Saxon chieftain and roll some dice - will you lead your warriors to glorious victory or ignominious defeat? Those feeling artistic may join in with our model soldier painting experience - receive a free model Anglo-Saxon thegn to paint and take home as a souvenir of the day!"

More details can be found HERE and as part of the Facebook Event. It sounds awesome to me though! You get to go and learn about Sutton Hoo, explore the burial grounds and more, as well as see large Dark Age armies battling on the tabletop. You can also get involved, roll some dice and see if you can lead your warriors to victory. I like that they are also doing a miniature painting experience where you could go home with your own Thegn!

The event is a little far away for me to get to but if you're local to the area on the East Coast, you might want to head along. Admission prices apply but the actual event is free. So, if you're a National Trust member then you should be in for a fun day indeed.

Could you be tempted to go along and take part?

"I like that they are also doing a miniature painting experience where you could go home with your own Thegn!"

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