Warcrow Bundle Pre-Orders Coming Soon From Corvus Belli!

June 24, 2024 by brennon

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Corvus Belli will soon be taking pre-orders for the new introductory Warcrow Bundle that will get you diving into their new 32mm Fantasy wargame. Which faction are you going to pick?

Warcrow Bundle - Warcrow

Warcrow Bundle // Warcrow

The Bundle comes with the main Rulebook (check out the FREE PDF Rules) for Warcrow alongside the Winds From The North Battlepack for two players. If you also choose to, you can get the bundle with the bonus Ahlwardt Ice Bear miniature for the Northern Tribes. Why would you not?

At the core of the bundle and the pre-orders in general is Winds From The North which sets the stage for a clash between the Northern Tribes and the Hegemony Of Embersig.

Winds Of The North Battle Pack - Warcrow

Winds From The North Battle Pack // Warcrow

The set comes with a set of miniatures representing the two factions. On the one side, you have the Orcs of the Northern Tribes who are ready to battle against the overreaching tendencies of the Hegemony Of Embersig. I think they might have the best miniatures of the Warcrow range so far but there might be another set coming soon that could tip those scales for me.

Northern Tribes - Warcrow

Northern Tribes // Warcrow

Going up against the Northern Tribes is the Hegemony Of Embersig, a collective of different Fantasy lineages that have come together to face all manner of different foes. I will say that the Elven Mage certainly gets my vote as a favourite from this set.

Hegemony Of Embersig - Warcrow

Hegemony Of Embersig // Warcrow

As well as the two sets of miniatures, you get the rules, a battle mat to play on, card terrain to quickly assemble and all of the dice and tokens that you need. It's a one-stop shop for anyone wanting to try out Warcrow for the first time.

The bonus miniature for the bundle during the pre-order period is the damn awesome Ahlwardt Ice Bear which is just stunning as you can see.

Ahlwardt Ice Bear - Warcrow

Ahlwardt Ice Bear // Warcrow

Ahlwardt Ice Bear is one of the Varank who can change form, known as both a great warlord and strategist who can keep a level head. This mighty Jarl takes on the form of a white bear who can tear people into pieces with a single swipe. A stunning miniatures which is exclusive to the pre-order period for Warcrow's launch.

All of these pre-order bundle goodies will be coming up soon from Corvus Belli so make sure to check them out and our content on Warcrow which is coming very soon!

What do you make of this introduction to Warcrow?

"The set comes with a set of miniatures representing the two factions..."

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