A Wandering Hobgoblin Joins The Spellcrow Cast
June 16, 2015 by brennon
There are plenty of adventures where your heroes run into odd folks along the road so how about this new Hobgoblin from Spellcrow who looks like he might have a spell or two up his sleeve...
I prefer to think that not all creepy creatures you meet on the road are going to try and eat you. I would have this Hobgoblin just wandering along minding his own business and then maybe asking the heroes to do HIM a favour.
There are certainly a lot of things a Hobgoblin might want compared to the average quest giver and it might make a nice change for the heroes. Of course you can also use the model in their own world of Umbra Turris too.
What do you think of him?
"There are certainly a lot of things a Hobgoblin might want compared to the average quest giver..."
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I really do rate Spellcrow miniatures. This little fellow is cool.
Their website is a breeze to navigate and get nice shots of painted minis.
I’m not really seeing a hobgoblin, but it’s a nice figure.