Victrix Showcase What’s Next For 28mm Medieval Range

October 17, 2024 by brennon

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Following on from the release of their Medieval Knights, the folks at Victrix have been previewing the next steps they are going to be taking for their 28mm plastic Medieval collection.

Medieval Islamic Infantry - Victrix

Medieval Islamic Infantry // Victrix

Leading the way will be the Islamic Infantry that could be found battling across the Middle East and Spain from the 7th Century through to the Crusades of the 12th and 13th Century. You are going to get enough bits and pieces in the kit to make Spearmen, Swordsmen and Archers plus Command figures that can lead the way. Victrix also mentioned that there will be an absurd amount of heads; 132 in total.

The next set, and one that I think a lot of folks are keeping an eye out for, is the Medieval Islamic Cavalry set.

Medieval Islamic Cavalry - Victrix

Medieval Islamic Cavalry // Victrix

This is going to be a thundering set of elite warriors for you to throw into your collection. As with all of the different Victrix sets, they come with loads of different options for both the riders and the horses. They are clad in all manner of different types of armour and look suitably dynamic, charging into battle with weapons at the ready. More on this set will come out in good time!

As well as all of the new Islamic miniatures for your Crusaders to battle, you will also be able to get your hands on some new foot troops for European armies.

Medieval Foot Knights - Victrix OCT

Medieval Foot Knights // Victrix

We've seen the Foot Knights before in previous previews but they will now come alongside a new set of transfers from the folks at Little Big Man. They are going to be very handy for battles in the 12th and 13th Centuries as well as The Barons' War.

Capping things off for the preview, we had a peek at the new Medieval Foot Sergeants who will be making up the core of your force underneath the stare of those Knights.

Medieval Foot Sergeants - Victrix OCT

Medieval Foot Sergeants // Victrix

Again, they will come with all manner of different options so you can build skirmishing warbands or larger armies for whatever game you might play. As if all of that isn't enough, Victrix also mentioned that they haven't stopped working on more miniatures for the Dark Ages and Ancient period as well as World War II.

Will you be snapping up these plastic kits when they land?

"They are going to be very handy for battles in the 12th and 13th Centuries as well as The Barons' War..."

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