Victrix Miniatures Marshal Their 28mm Medieval Knights

July 22, 2024 by brennon

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Victrix Miniatures recently released their Medieval Knights on horseback for those charging into battles across Europe and beyond. The newest preview from Victrix added in even more Knights, this time on foot.

Medieval Foot Knights - Victrix Miniatures

Medieval Foot Knights // Victrix Miniatures

This will be a new set that will feature eight figures per sprue. Five of the Knights will be in surcoats whilst the other three will be in mail. This should make these troops useful for fighting throughout the 13th Century but you could play around in that period quite a bit. You can use these Knights to represent soldiers from all manner of different European nations as their arms and armour were interchangeable or you could just make them mercenaries for whatever force you are building.

Medieval Foot Knights #1 - Victrix Miniatures

Medieval Foot Knights // Victrix Miniatures

There are lots of different weapons on the sprues including swords, axes, spears, maces, the "batwing" cleaver and of course shields for those who want a bit of extra defence. As always, the Victrix kits are really dynamic so you can throw them into the heart of combat for fun-looking skirmishes.

Medieval Foot Knights #2 - Victrix Miniatures

Medieval Foot Knights // Victrix Miniatures

You also get a lot of different head options as you can see. You can also get some head options not attached to bodies and being carried around as trophies. I do like the arm option with the sword upturned as if he is offering up a prayer to God in thanks for besting his foe.

Medieval Foot Knights #3 - Victrix Miniatures

Medieval Foot Knights // Victrix Miniatures

The Medieval Foot Knights will also get themselves a set of shield transfers and flags. That means you won't need to start worrying about freehand! All of these miniatures are a lot closer to being a reality than you think and will be a perfect complement to the existing Mounted Knights.

Are you going to be adding these Medieval Foot Knights to your collection?

"There are lots of different weapons on the sprues including swords, axes, spears, maces, the "batwing" cleaver and of course shields..."

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