Victoria Miniatures’ Unexpected Spanish Inquisition!

July 31, 2024 by brennon

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Victoria Miniatures are now on Kickstarter for the third campaign aiming to bring out a series of 3D printable STL files for use with the unexpected Spanish Inquisition!

The Spanish Inquisition - Victoria Miniatures

The Spanish Inquisition // Victoria Miniatures

The set features a selection of downloadable files for making your own set of Spanish Inquisition figures which could be dropped into Historical games and Fantasy ones. You get the three bodies and then a series of bits which you can "arm" your Inquisition with.

Spanish Inquisition STL Files - Victoria Miniatures

Spanish Inquisition STL Files // Victoria Miniatures

Fluffy pillows, relics, scrolls, a mace and more are available. The miniatures are also obviously a great nod to the famous Spanish Inquisition from Monty Python and so the characters are appropriately sculpted. The set also comes with a wonderful comfy chair.

Spanish Inquisition Options - Victoria Miniatures

Spanish Inquisition - Options // Victoria Miniatures

If you don't have access to a 3D printer you can also get your hands on the physical miniatures on the Victoria Miniatures webstore. You can get them in 3D printed plastic or metal depending on your preference.

Could you be tempted by the Spanish Inquisition?

"You can get them in 3D printed plastic or metal depending on your preference..."

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