Victoria Miniatures Tease Project Warhorse For Sci-Fi Wargaming

October 20, 2022 by brennon

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Victoria Miniatures has been teasing some images of a new sculpting project they have been working on. Project Warhorse fittingly has been going on in the background even as Games Workshop previewed their new Rough Riders for the Astra Militarum.

Project Warhorse #1 - Victoria Miniatures

Project Warhorse // Victoria Miniatures

Project Warhorse is going to be heading to Kickstarter in the near future and the focus shifts from the style of the Attilans to something more historically inspired. The idea is that they are more in line with 19th Century Lancers or early 20th Century mounted infantry that would have been seen in World War I.

Project Warhorse #2 - Victoria Miniatures

Project Warhorse // Victoria Miniatures

There are still a few elements that need to be tweaked and changed before the final product is ready but what we're seeing so far is pretty darn awesome. There is going to be a nice element of customisation to the riders allowing you to add all sorts of bits and pieces into the mix when making your own unit.

Project Warhorse #3 - Victoria Miniatures

Project Warhorse // Victoria Miniatures

According to Victoria Miniatures, there are a fair few things left to tinker with. Updated horse breastplates, wrapping for the horse's legs, camo cloaks for the riders, World War I bandoleers and maybe a few pith helmets for good measure.

I am very eager to see how these miniatures look when the final product is offered up via Kickstarter. All of the "Imperial Guard" from Victoria Miniatures are fantastic and a solid option for those who want to make a unique force to use in their grimdark games of Warhammer 40,000 and beyond.

It's always nice to have options!

"All of the "Imperial Guard" from Victoria Miniatures are fantastic and a solid option for those who want to make a unique force..."

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