Go Two-On-Two With Star Wars: Balance Of The Force

December 14, 2013 by brennon

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You can now expand your Star Wars: The Card Game experience from Fantasy Flight Games into a two-on-two multiplayer fight with the next deluxe expansion called Balance of the Force.

Balance Of The Force

The game brings a selection of new scenarios and objectives for both the Light Side and the Dark Side of the force. These can be played in the standard one-on-one duel format or with a few other friends. I reckon that could be a lot of fun though!

Card Fans

This expansion also appears to cover the moments around the final film in the original trilogy with Darth Vader looking to bring the Death Star to life once more and Luke Skywalker avoiding the clutches of the Empire to enact his plans with the Rebellion.

Death Star


I'm yet to play this game as I am already snowed under with Netrunner and Warhammer: Invasion when it comes to Living Card Games but I have heard very good things about this game. Even if you don't jump on this expansion it could be a good shout to pick up the core game as a one-on-one scuffle when your mates are playing a bigger game.

I'm not actually a big fan of Star Wars but the artwork on these cards does bring the rather expansive world to life nicely. Worth checking out I say!

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