TTCombat Begin Teasing Miniatures For Striketeam Commander

August 7, 2024 by brennon

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TTCombat has begun teasing more for Striketeam Commander, the 32mm Sci-Fi skirmish game set in the world of Dropzone and Dropfleet Commander. The Kickstarter is coming soon and we've seen some of the miniatures as part of the preview.

Striketeam Commander Kickstarter - TTCombat

Striketeam Commander Kickstarter // TTCombat

For those not familiar, Striketeam Commander is going to be a new 32mm scale Drop-Universe wargame which will feature stunning new miniatures from the various, well-known factions of Dropfleet and Dropzone Commander. The first miniatures previewed recently were for the UCM.

UCM Legionnaires - Striketeam Commander

UCM Legionnaires // Striketeam Commander

We got a look at the grunts of the UCM, the Legionnaires, who will be getting ready to breach and clear as they face down terrible Scourge foes and more. The miniatures are looking great, at least in render form, and I appreciate that the "Halo" vibes have continued into the 32mm miniatures for the UCM. Those assault rifles look very familiar.

More miniatures for the various factions will pop up soon so keep an eye out for more!

Will you be backing Striketeam Commander when it launches on Kickstarter?

"More miniatures for the various factions will pop up soon so keep an eye out for more!"

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