Traders Galaxy Preview A New Dwarven Host In 28mm

September 5, 2024 by avernos

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Traders Galaxy's Dwarf Army is slowly coming together. Renowned for the Epic alternative 1980s Pulp world of Bot War it's easy to miss that they also do a whole host of 28mm figures both for Bot War earth but also Sci-Fi and Fantasy and recently Anthony has been showing off some awesome upcoming dwarfs if you fancy a medieval style army.

The renders so far show a mixture of dwarf warriors with a host of equipment from the massive great axe wielding elite warriors clad in full mail and rocking great helms for additional defence, to the run of the mill levy style warriors.

These are less heavily armoured but look fantastic as the bulk of a dwarf army, armed with hand weapons, spears, or crossbows. The open faced conical and pot helms give them a distinctly medieval feel and have a very crusader look to them.

Anthony has also shown off some characters, a (currently beardless) rune priest affectionately known as Battle Pope, rocking a flanged mace and a mitred helm to bring down the thunder on any who may attempt to prevent the dwarfs from completing their journey.

The Dwarf Lord has a Teutonic feel with that brooding stare over the top of his mighty pocket knife, which to be fair counts as a two handed weapon for the stunty ones.

Warmachines are part and parcel of dwarf armies and currently, there is a Dragonbane ballista to deal with the annoying lizards that racist elves tend to bring with them. There are plans that it will be accompanied by a bombard cannon in case you favour some heavy artillery shots.

The models are fitted with ball socket joints and left and right hand sprues are being worked on to allow not only flexibility in the army customisation but there are even empty fists to lay out your opponent boxing style or if you fancy a fantasy football team then you don't have to worry about lopping off the weapons!

The models themselves will be cast in metal and there are further sculpts afoot with a standard bearer and possibly even some siege engineers on the cards, it will mean you will have all the tools for pretty much any sized game you want to play from massed battles down to skirmish games.

What do you make of these new beardlings?

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