More The Barons’ War Fantasy Skirmish Orc & Elf Previews!

June 24, 2024 by brennon

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Hobday & Hicks have been showing off more wonderful previews ahead of the launch of their The Barons' War: Fantasy Skirmish Kickstarter in July. This 28mm range will be starting with the Orcs and Elves and we got a look at some great new figures.

Grommgar The Marauder - Hobday & Hicks

Grommgar The Marauder // Hobday & Hicks

Another stunning mounted figure for the Orcs that are going to be part of this campaign. Much like in a previous preview, we have a fearsome mount but this time clad in mail. He looks like a serious killer!

"Grommgar the Marauder, a master of strategy, sat upon his wolf and surveyed the village below. He calculated that it would be easy pickings, as there seemed to be minimal resistance. Clad in crude yet invincible black iron armour, not much had been able to stand in his way on his journey of destruction from the mountains into the Bylands."

I am really liking the look of the miniatures from Hobday & Hicks and the fact that we already have so much lore designed for the various characters. It feels like they have managed to nail so much of the "vibe" for this game already. I think it helps that there is a nice Tolkienesque vibe to the miniatures as well, really making me think of First Age awesomeness.

The second of the most recent previews from Fantasy Skirmish is for the Mountain Troll.

Mountain Troll - Hobday & Hicks

Mountain Troll // Hobday & Hicks

You always need a Troll. Here's some of the background that they have put together for the Mountain Troll...

"Mountain trolls are a fearsome type of troll that lurks in the highest and most remote regions. They are known for their immense size and brute strength, making them formidable opponents for any adversary who dares to cross their path."

Again, a fantastic miniature with a seriously fearsome vibe to it. I would like to get a better look at the Mountain Troll from a few different angles to check out the facial details a bit more but otherwise, I am impressed and can see this painting up very nicely indeed.

Elves On The Charge

The Elves aren't to be left out of the equation and they also got another preview recently. We also got to see these wonderful Elven Light Cavalry miniatures armed with a selection of different weapons both ranged and close combat.

Elven Light Cavalry - Hobday & Hicks

Elven Light Cavalry // Hobday & Hicks

I am very much in love with this range as a whole and the Kickstarter for this can't come soon enough. I am tempted to go in for the Orcs, to begin with, and then save for the next campaign which might feature the Dwarves.

The Barons War Fantasy Skirmish Kickstarter - Hobday & Hicks

The Barons' War: Fantasy Skirmish Kickstarter // Hobday & Hicks

The campaign is aiming to launch towards the end of July so you've still got plenty of time to work out which of the armies you want to play as. Maybe you just bite the bullet and pick up the Elves AND the Orcs?

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