New Stormcast & Nighthaunt Models + A MASSIVE Khorne Dragon

May 13, 2018 by brennon

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We're already seen quite a lot of what's on offer for Age Of Sigmar, but I thought I'd consolidate a lot of the images for the two new big armies into one place from Games Workshop. First of all, we have the Sacrocant Chamber. Stormcast Eternals #1 - Age Of Sigmar These models are looking fantastic and it's nice to see that they've been developing an entirely new look for the Stormcast Eternals tied around this new surge of magical energy coming into the world of the Mortal Realms.

Stormcast Eternals #2 - Age Of Sigmar

Stormcast Eternals #3 - Age Of Sigmar

A whole lot of their new equipment is powered by magic. So, all of the big weapons that you're seeing here are actually firing massive bolts of energy.

Stormcast Eternals #4 - Age Of Sigmar

Stormcast Eternals #5 - Age Of SigmarThe range has some interesting new takes on the style for the Stormcast Eternals. Yes, they have plenty of the golden armour that we're familiar with but also a chance to get stuck into painting the rainments of a more devout looking order.

We also got a preview of a new character for the Stormcast Eternals. This is an awesome female Stormcast Eternal, the Sequitor-Prime.

Sequitor-Prime - Age Of Sigmar

An awesome looking character who appears to be working on some way to bring the spirits of the dead back with her to the chambers of the Stormcast.

The Nighthaunt

As well as these new Stormcast Eternals we also had the addition of the new Undead force, a grand army of spirits and fiends summoned forth by Nagash, the Nighthaunt.

Nighthaunt #1 - Age Of Sigmar

The Nighthaunt actually look like they would be an awesome army for someone to paint up if they were just getting started. Much like with the Necrons in Warhammer 40,000 you get access to an army that could be technically brilliant, or made to look awesome by simply working with washes.

Nighthaunt #2 - Age Of Sigmar

 Nighthaunt #3 - Age Of Sigmar

I really love the selection of different models that we're seeing here doing something that I love to see Games Workshop doing. They always do a great job of showing flying and floating creatures without the need to use proper clear plastic flying stands.

Nighthaunt #4 - Age Of Sigmar

Nighthaunt #5 - Age Of Sigmar

We even get a selection of the undead as you'll see above from other races. The shades above are clearly the bodies of dead Skaven who have been brought back to serve Nagash, as very cool addition to the collection. Hopefully, we see more of that!

Nighthaunt #6 - Age Of Sigmar

An awesome looking force and as you can see they really have put forth a good new army to be the foe of the Stormcast Eternals. A nice push forward within the narrative.

Mighty Dragons

As well as these forces, Chaos is not to be ignored. They have brought forth this amazing looking Khorne Dragon, a Forge World creation to stand as the centrepiece of your force.

Chaos Khorne Dragon - Age Of Sigmar

Now that is impressive. Impractical, but very awesome indeed. I don't think we're going to see many of these on the battlefield but it sure would be nice to see what people do with it as a model.

What do you reckon of the new models?

"This is an awesome female Stormcast Eternal, the Sequitor-Prime..."

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