Steamforged’s Alchemist’s Guild Back With New Box Soon

September 6, 2017 by brennon

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Steamforged Games have got an updated Guild Ball box on the way for the Alchemist's Guild. The new set, The New Age of Science, is going to be available from September 15th.

Alchemists (New Box)

Inside the set, you'll get yourself six models to choose from when making your team including Smoke, Naja, Veteran Katalyst, Venin, Compound, and Crucible. Steamforged also put down a few pointers for those considering this team...

  • Coaches that want a team specialized in traps and damage over time will love the Alchemists.
  • Smoke is able to boost her team’s abilities while damaging the opposition.
  • Whether you are new to Guild Ball or just looking to pick up a new Guild, this set is the best way to get started with this unorthodox, unpredictable team if they sound like the right team for you make sure to snap up the updated box.

Are you looking forward to it?

"'ll get yourself six models to choose from when making your team including Smoke, Naja, Veteran Katalyst, Venin, Compound, and Crucible"

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