Build Starter Medieval Armies With Medbury Miniatures

August 23, 2024 by brennon

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Medbury Miniatures are adding plenty of new 28mm scale metal figures to their Medieval range. New characters, troops and more are on the way for those wanting to get started and there are even Starter Bundles!

Hundred Years War French Starter Set - Medbury Miniatures

Hundred Years' War French Starter Set // Medbury Miniatures

We start with the two Starter Sets. You can get two, one for the French and one for the English. Both are designed to fit into the early period of the Hundred Years War and you get a couple of characters, some great mounted knights and plenty of foot troops, all in metal.

The French set comes with King John II, Geoffroi de Charny, two units of two mounted Knights, eight Genoese Crossbowmen and eight French Pavisiers. All of these miniatures are also available separately if you'd prefer. They look like a solid force for getting started in a game like SAGA.

You could also go down the right route and pick the English Hundred Years' War army.

Hundred Years War English Starter Set - Medbury Miniatures

Hundred Years War English Starter Set // Medbury Miniatures

This set comes with King Edward III, Edward Of Woodstock, one unit of Knights on foot, a unit of eight English Archers and a unit of eight English Billmen. Both sets are typical of the fighting forces that would have been battling it out during the period and, as someone who has plenty of Medbury Miniatures in my collection, I can attest to the quality of these metal miniatures.

Individual Medieval Releases

As mentioned above, all of the miniatures are available separately as well. So, you can get the likes of King Edward and such to plug into your army.

Edward The Black Prince - Medbury Miniatures

Edward, The Black Prince // Medbury Miniatures

King Edward III - Medbury Miniatures

King Edward III // Medbury Miniatures

King John II - Medbury Miniatures

King John II // Medbury Miniatures

More characters from their Patreon releases are also now available as physical miniatures. For example, you can get a lovely miniature for Charlemagne himself.

Charlemagne - Medbury Miniatures

Charlemagne // Medbury Miniatures

There are also more of their troops and such available for you to pick up. If you know me, I am so incredibly in love with archers in games and you can get more of the Unarmoured English Archers to slot into your force, ready to take down Frenchies!

Unarmoured English Archers - Medbury Miniatures

Unarmoured English Archers // Medbury Miniatures

It is well worth diving deep into the Medbury Miniatures collection to see if there are miniatures that appeal to you. What's nice is that whilst Medbury is currently over on the other side of the world in Australia, Jamie Tranter here in the UK has bulk-ordered a bunch of miniatures and we now have a UK stockist that you can order from (delivery due in September). See more here over on the InfamousJT Website.

Dive in and let us know if you snap up some of these Medieval miniatures!

"Jamie Tranter here in the UK has bulk-ordered a bunch of miniatures and we now have a UK stockist that you can order from!"

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