Beware Spiders & The Awoken Coming To GCT’s Bushido!

October 23, 2024 by brennon

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GCT Studios are showing off a new themed warband that will be available soon for fans of Bushido and the creepy side of this 35mm scale Fantasy wargame! The Awoken are going to be scuttling forth with Joyless Smiles & Dark Eyes.

Joyless Smiles & Dark Eyes - Bushido

Joyless Smiles & Dark Eyes // Bushido

Scuttling forth, these servants of the Endless Procession are going to be working their way into your games soon. As you might imagine, there are miniatures that feature people who have become one with the spider and others who are bursting at the seams, ready to disgorge endless tides of many-legged creatures.

Joyless Smiles & Dark Eyes Miniatures - Bushido

Joyless Smiles & Dark Eyes Miniatures // Bushido

They can work individually but when swarming together, this warband is going to be a terrifying sight to behold. What's cooler is that you can also get your hands on the Awoken Terrain Set soon as well which gives you thematically linked terrain for use in your games.

Awoken Terrain Set - Bushido

Awoken Terrain Set // Bushido

I am already scratching and batting myself as I am convinced there are spiders somewhere in my clothes as I write this. Creepy! Maybe we should get Justin to play this warband?

I think it would be great to see what people do when painting these miniatures. I would paint the characters with pale skin but put plenty of bruised and sore spots on their bodies where they have been bitten whilst also showing where the spiders within them are pushing at their skin, eager to get out.

A gorgeously disgusting new set of miniatures for Bushido!

"A gorgeously disgusting new set of miniatures for Bushido!"

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