Duel With The Elements In Card Game Kickstarter Mage Noir

March 19, 2021 by fcostin

Supported by (Turn Off)

A new card game is up on Kickstarter, with the ability to harness magic and cause spell-casting chaos in the new title Mage Noir.

Mage Noir //Mage Noir

Built as a strategy game, players will take the role of skilled and adept mages. As mages, players will dual head-to-head with the strength of the elements on-side.

There is an emphasis on spell-casting here as your main form of attack, as players will have the ability to use a combination of fierce fireballs, disastrous waves, catastrophic tornadoes and a whirlwind of epic magical abilities held at the fingertips of the player.

Mage Noir //Mage Noir

There are a plethora of cards to choose from and cards are not just put on the table for one use. Singular spell cards can be combined to create even bigger spells, so that small gust of wind can be constructed into something much more sinister if you have the right cards to hand to deliver the final blow.

This gives a lot of freedom to the player, as there is a chance to not just learn the cards and when to use them, but to learn a wide range of devastating combination blows too.

There is a HP system in place. Like a lot of card games - the player's goal is to diminish their opponent's health all the way down to 0HP. How do you do this may you ask? With mana of course. Spells will cost mana, and the more powerful your spell is, the more mana it is going to use. So thinking strategically and thinking ahead before casting will be to your benefit!

Mage Noir //Mage Noir

The artwork is absolutely stunning! The team have worked with a combination of seven talented artists to add some seriously impressive artwork to each card.

This Kickstarter went live on March 16th, and still has 27 days to go. It smashed the initial goal within the first three hours, so card gamers have flocked to Kickstarter loving the concept of being able to dual with strategic spellcasting.

If you are keen on checking out this title before committing to the Kickstarter, a demo version has been made available to tabletop simulator and you can download the rules for yourself too to get a deeper understanding of the game mechanics. Both of these can be found and accessed on the Kickstarter page.

As somebody who loves all things magic and spell-casting, this is a Kickstarter I will be keeping an eye on.

What do you think of this new concept from team Mage Noir? 

"Built as a strategy game, players will take the role of skilled and adept mages. As mages, players will dual head-to-head with the strength of the elements on-side."

Supported by (Turn Off)

Supported by (Turn Off)

Supported by (Turn Off)

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