Mix Up Your Shaltari Warstriders In Dropzone Commander

July 2, 2024 by brennon

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TTCombat has had a variant of the Shaltari Warstrider available for you to snap up recently for use in Dropzone Commander. The Aaru Jaguar/Lynx Warstrider is available on their website with a few different options for you to choose from in your 10mm Sci-Fi wargames.

Aaru Jaguar - TTCombat

Aaru Jaguar // TTCombat

This new blister comes with a variant of the standard Warstrider. This set comes with some new incorporated weapons for example as well as an extra leg for that all-important stability and reliability.

The Jaguar comes with the equivalent of a Kukrai and two Tomahawks allowing it to deliver some pretty consistent damage. There are twin Ion Cannons and two Gauss Cannons to brutalise both air and ground targets so it is a bit of a swiss army knife.

Lynx Warstrider - TTCombat

Lynx Warstrider // TTCombat

You can also play around with the turret and swap it out to build the Lynx. The anti-air capabilities are traded out for a Command Module which makes it a great HQ choice for lording over the battlefield. Even if the Lynx is destroyed, the module gets ejected so that they can continue directing the flow of battle. I would make sure that your opponent doesn't manage to close in on hat module though!

This variant popped up on their webstore recently so if you're looking to plug some gaps in your collection, this might be worth snapping up for Shaltari forces. Do you like the look of the Shaltari in Dropzone Commander or do you owe your allegiance to a different power?

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