Help Seb Games Playtest Leviathan: Lords Of Havoc 10mm Wargame

July 31, 2024 by brennon

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Seb Games has produced a Demo Set, the Battle Vanguard Set, for those who want to help them playtest their 10mm Fantasy wargame, Leviathan: Lords Of Havoc. Building on the older Scotia Grendel game by Bill King and John Robertson, this offers up a chance to dive into some epic-scale battles.

Leviathan Lords Of Havoc - Battle Vanguard Set - Seb Games

Leviathan: Lords Of Havoc - Battle Vanguard Set // Seb Games

Leviathan is a 10mm Fantasy wargame with a focus on command decisions, strategic placement of your army and good manoeuvring of your units in order to claim victory. This made-to-order Battle Vanguard Demo Set comes with everything you need to playtest Leviathan and be part of the process when it comes to bringing the game to life.

Dwarf Guard - Leviathan Lords Of Havoc

Dwarf Guard // Leviathan: Lords Of Havoc

The set comes with two units of Orc Spearmen and a unit of Orc Archers as well as two units of Dwarf Guard and one unit of Dwarf Gunners. These form the core of two armies and weigh in at 152 points each. You will also get the dice and all of the rules are available online HERE from Seb Games.

Orc Spearmen - Leviathan Lords Of Havoc

Orc Spearmen // Leviathan: Lords Of Havoc

The idea is that you can dive in and start helping the team fine-tune the rules for the game and also the way that the armies are put together. As well as the rules for playing as the Dwarves and Orcs, you will also find rules for playing as the Elves and Barbarians so if you've got some appropriate miniatures in your collection, you could try them too.

Orcs Unpainted - Leviathan Lords Of Havoc

Orcs (Unpainted) // Leviathan: Lords Of Havoc

These miniatures in this set come in metal but the final miniatures from Seb Games will be made using the SioCast process. As mentioned above, this is a demo set so it's there for playtester-focused folks to get involved but it might also be a good chance to get your hands on the first wave of Leviathan 10mm miniatures.

Classic Leviathan

If you would like to play the game that inspired Lords Of Havoc in 10mm, you can also get your hands on the old rules from Seb Games.

Leviathan - Seb Games

Leviathan // Seb Games

The original game featured amazing artwork by the talented Adrian Smith (look at that cover!) and featured 25mm miniatures battling it out in a Post-Apocalyptic Fantasy world. Any number of players could play Leviathan controlling anything from a single unit up to large armies. It used alternative movement rules and was a little gem for 1995.

Elf Swordsmen - Leviathan

Elf Swordsmen // Leviathan

Seb Games are re-releasing the old rules as well as the old miniatures for the five races, Orcs, Goblins, Dwarves, Elves and Barbarians. You can also download the PDF version of the old Leviathan rules if you have the old miniatures and just want to play.

Could you be tempted to return to Leviathan with Seb Games?

"If you would like to play the game that inspired Lords Of Havoc in 10mm, you can also get your hands on the old rules from Seb Games..."

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