Sam’s Christmas Time Wish List

December 24, 2018 by dracs

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This year has seen me getting back into miniatures gaming in a big way. Of course, it hasn't just been limited to Hobbits. Plenty of awesome games have crossed my path, from board games to card games and beyond.

There are so many great ones out there it's impossible to choose! But, I shall force myself. Here are a couple of things I'm hoping Santa brings this year.

Scouring Of The Shire Box Set

You knew there'd be Hobbits in here somewhere. The Scouring of the Shire may be my favourite chapter of The Lord of the Rings. I first discovered it with the release of this set by Games Workshop. I had seen the films, but here were those hobbits leading their fellows in a struggle against a brutal oppressor! While the latest edition of the rules means I can't really use these characters in my current army build, I still love them enough to want them just for my collection.

Warhammer 40,000: Rogue Trader

I have collected old Games Workshop army books for years now. There's just something really nostalgic for me about the classic art and stories you would find in those pages. For me, the original Rogue Trader book has become something of a Moby Dick. I catch sight of it, rush over wallet in hand, only for it to be snatched away before I can nab it.


One of my favourite games that I played this year was Plaid Hat Games' Stuffed Fables. It was definitely not aimed at my age group, but there is just something I find so cool about playing through a storybook in this way. Comanauts takes that concept and gives it the teeth needed to make a satisfying experience for adult gamers. Add to that an interesting story about delving into a person's psyche and I am sold!

Come to think of it, what with this, Holding On, and The Awakening, there have been a lot of games this year about coma patients. Games industry, do we need to have a talk?

There you have it, my own Christmas time wish list. I'll let you all know what turned up when we return in the new year!

Merry Christmas and a happy new year to you all. 

"You knew there'd be Hobbits in here somewhere."

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