Sally 4th Bring Metal, Plastic & 3D Printable Vikings To Kickstarter

April 11, 2023 by brennon

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Sally 4th are currently on Kickstarter right now looking to fund their collection of 28mm Viking miniatures for use in your Historical wargames. This Viking Saga comes with a neat twist in that the miniatures are available as 3D printable files, plastic miniatures and in metal.

Viking Saga Miniatures - Sally 4th

Viking Saga Miniatures Kickstarter // Sally 4th

This range of Viking miniatures features plenty of awesome characters that wouldn't look out of place in the history books and of course on shows like Vikings, The Last Kingdom and beyond. There are plenty of beards on show and axes at the ready alongside shieldmaidens and more. This could well be the perfect place to begin your Viking warband for a game like SAGA.

At the heart of the range and giving you a good idea of the different 28mm Viking miniatures they have been working on, Sally 4th has this Core Set.

Digital Core Set - Sally 4th

Digital Core Set // Sally 4th

I think these Viking miniatures are going to be very good for those looking to make fall warbands. Games like Blood Eagle, Viking Age and Ragnarok come to mind as good options for those looking to dive into some Viking-themed wargames. These games straddle the line between Historical and Fantasy and these miniatures would be suitable for both.

Digital Stretch Goals - Sally 4th

Digital Stretch Goals // Sally 4th

Whilst these digital offerings are great for those that have access to a 3D Printer, the bonus when it comes to this campaign is the aforementioned ability to get the miniatures in plastic and metal.

When it comes to your alternative methods of delivery, the miniatures come as Injection Plastic miniatures or in that classic White Metal Molded style that folks will be familiar with. The metal will give you the serious heft that a lot of folks want from their miniatures, especially with cool character models for skirmish wargames.

Metal Viking Miniatures - Sally 4th

Metal Viking Miniatures // Sally 4th

As you can see from the previews, the metal miniatures look superb and I can see a lot of people opting for this material when it comes to the Kickstarter campaign. I also love that the Stretch Goals are getting the same treatment and you'll be able to get a big metal bull! Don't try milking that fellow. This campaign still has a good amount of time left on it so if you're interested, make sure to dive in and find out more.

Vikings will never not be awesome and there's something to be said about diving into a bit of raiding on the tabletop. Ranges like this might be just what some folks need to dive into a skirmish game or two.

Will you be going with 3D Printable, Plastic or Metal Vikings?

"There are plenty of beards on show and axes at the ready alongside shieldmaidens and more..."

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