River Horse Testing Tarot Of Loka To Death!

November 25, 2013 by brennon

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If you haven't been planning on looking into Tarot of Loka from River Horse and Alessio Cavatore then you might want to see what they've been up to. Playtesting and working themselves to death!

Playtesting To Death

As you can see a particularly spooky character turned up to lay down the Tarot and possibly take some souls as his prize for winner. This was all in conjunction with The Chilling Wargamers which you can check out on Facebook.

Elemental Cards

Those cares really do look amazing when they are on the table and the artwork is exceptional. On the subject of the artwork I stumbled on this piece for The Hermit by the artist, Ralph Horsley and it was pretty breathtaking.

The Hermit

Now that's just insanely great. I would love to have this just for the collectors aspect of things, even if I didn't play the game! They have now gathered over 50% of the funding they need and have plenty of time to make up the rest. It would be great to see this make a big splash.

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