Active Minds Games Returns With The Ultra-Clear X-Case

October 25, 2017 by deltagamegirl22

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You might remember seeing the X-Case on Kickstarter previously, and now Active Minds Games is back on Kickstarter to bring you their Ultra-Clear X-Case.


We got the opportunity to check X-Case out first hand at Adepticon this past year as it was included with the VIG Swag Bag.

The cases are really fantastic as they solve many of the common issues with storage and transport of your miniatures. The cases are designed to be totally modular, which means at the end of the day, you will never outgrow your storage.

The cases clip onto one another to stack vertically or expand horizontally, so you can hang them on your wall to display your work or connect them with a handy carrying handle to transport your minis and hobby gear to your FLGS.

Pair this system with a magnetic sheet and Flex Iron and now everything stays exactly where you want it!

The X-Case was previously available in a number of colours with a clear front, but this project, the X-Case Clear Expandable Miniatures Display And Transport, offers yet another excellent option with a totally clear version of the case.

This truly makes the case a perfect way to display your minis without getting into the expense and weight of a glass case.

What do you think of this versatile storage and display option?

"This truly makes the case a perfect way to display your minis without getting into the expense and weight of a glass case..."

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