Sensational Swamp Bases from Tabletop-Art
January 16, 2012 by brennon
Perfect for your swamp covered planet in the midst of space, or even for your fantasy heroes trudging through marshland, the new Swamp Base Sets from Tabletop-Art look to do the job nicely.
As you can see, they have a fairly large range of bases for you to choose from in differing sizes with distinct detailing on each. There is even a template set which you can see just above.
These swampy bases caught your eye?
I like the turtle 😛
The sci-fi gubbins on that 50mm base make me think this line would be perfect for the Brood in Dark Age – they came from a swampland science facility so this would work as ‘home turf’ basing.
With the right paint that could be a bit of a warjack, so I’m thinking it would be good for ‘gators in hoards too, its even got the midpoints marked…