Ramshackle Bring Chob Minis’ Space Orcs & Dwarves To Life

October 17, 2024 by brennon

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In continuing to bring a mass of indie miniatures to the tabletop, Ramshackle Games has added more of Chob Minis' awesome 28mm Sci-Fi miniatures to their collection. See what you make of these gritty Oldhammer-esque designs from Lex.

Chob Minis Space Orcs (Unpainted) - Ramshackle Games

Chob Minis Space Orcs (Unpainted) // Ramshackle Games

First of all, we have the Space Orcs who are armed with all sorts of different weapons for blasting away their foes. They look cunning and brutal in equal measure and could well have just raided some ship that they happened upon.

Chob Minis Space Orcs - Ramshackle Games

Chob Minis Space Orcs // Ramshackle Games

I really like the Oldhammer style to the miniatures but also the touch of the Fifth Element about them as well. These could easily be painted to match Mangalores if you wanted to go a different route with them.

Fighting the eternal fight against the Space Orcs, we also have the Space Dwarves!

Chob Minis Space Dwarves (Unpainted) - Ramshackle Games

Chob Minis Space Dwarves (Unpainted) // Ramshackle Games

All of the miniatures here were sculpted by Chob Minis and are cast in Ramshackle's high-quality resin. Again, these Dwarves have that excellent Oldhammer vibe going on and they would easily fit in with a lot of retro ranges out there.

Chob Minis Space Dwarves - Ramshackle Games

Chob Minis Space Dwarves // Ramshackle Games

I really like the Techno-Dwarf with the mechanical beard that you just know does some of the typing for him when he's sat at a console. From the look of them, these Dwarves are off doing a spot of prospecting and I could see those Space Orcs above being the ones coming to ruin their good time.

If you like these miniatures, check out the rest from Chob on the link above and check out Chob Minis/Lex on Instagram HERE.

Let us know your thoughts below!

"All of the miniatures here were sculpted by Chob Minis and are cast in Ramshackle's high-quality resin..."

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