Ragnarok’s Woodwoses Released As They Strike From The Forest

July 8, 2024 by brennon

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Ragnarok Miniatures' Kickstarter for the Woodwoses went very well indeed and if you missed out on it, you can now get the 28mm metal miniatures via Gripping Beast! This could be a great force for use in games like SAGA: Age Of Magic or if you wanted an alternative set of allies for your Middle-earth-themed wargames.

Woodwoses Warriors With Shields - Ragnarok Miniatures

Woodwoses Warriors With Shields // Ragnarok Miniatures

The Woodwoses Warriors from Ragnarok come with a variety of different weapon options for you to choose from. You have a great melee contingent in the form of these Warriors above armed with a mix of clubs and spears as well as those woven shields. The selection of poses is great and, as with everything from Ragnarok, you've got some great detail worked into their faces.

There are also plenty of Woodwoses that are armed with javelins for when you need to ambush your foe from range. I like that they feature fewer adornments as if they are perhaps the younger members of the clan who are tasked with the business of skirmishing.

Woodwoses Warriors With Spears - Ragnarok Miniatures

Woodwoses Warriors With Javelins // Ragnarok Miniatures

For more focused ranged attacks, you've also got these Woodwoses armed with bows. Set them up in rocky outcrops and in dense woodland and shoot your enemies from range, bringing invading Orcs down and sending them back to their makers.

Woodwoses Warriors With Bows - Ragnarok Miniatures

Woodwoses Warriors With Bows // Ragnarok Miniatures

Shamans and Warlords are also available for you to pick up as part of the collection, giving you leader figures to command the antics of your Woodwoses and perhaps craft alliances with those mounted lords from the plains nearby.

Woodwoses - Ragnarok Miniatures

Woodwoses // Ragnarok Miniatures

Hopefully, with the release of the Woodwoses to everyone, we will see Colin and the team releasing their Trolls on Kickstarter soon. At this point, you'll have a lot of options for making Tolkienesque armies for whatever Fantasy wargame takes your fancy. Considering that the Woodwoses are very underrepresented in the Middle-earth Strategy Battle Game, this could make building a warband a much easier prospect.

Are you going to be snapping up these newly released Woodwoses?

"This could be a great force for use in games like SAGA: Age Of Magic..."

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