The Pterro-Men Stalk Into Antediluvian’s Lost World Collection

February 4, 2020 by brennon

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Another new brilliant selection of models will be added into the mix for Antediluvian Miniatures' Lost World collection. Des Hanley has sculpted up the deadly Pterro-Men who were then painted by Andrew Taylor.

Pterro-Man - Antediluvian Miniatures

This collection will be coming to the tabletop pretty soon, some monstrous creatures which have stumbled out of dark caves in search of prey which woke them from their slumber. I like the idea that you could include them in an array of different games with both a Pulp or Fantasy style. The clash between alarmed explorers and scientists and these monsters would certainly be very fun though.

The detail in these sculpts are fantastic and you can pick out all sorts of elements of their muscular bodies with your paintbrush. You could get a lot out of the models with a good base coat and a little bit of drybrushing here and there.

What do you make of these new creatures and how would you use them?

"The detail in these sculpts are fantastic and you can pick out all sorts of elements of their muscular bodies with your paintbrush..."

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