Download & Print Free Test Minis For Guards Of Traitor’s Toll

August 13, 2024 by brennon

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Graham Davey of Grey For Now Games and creator of the upcoming 28mm Fantasy skirmish game, Guards Of Traitor's Toll, has made a couple of test miniatures available for you to download and 3D print over on the Facebook Group for the game.

Servant & Page - Guards Of Traitor's Toll

Servant & Page // Guards Of Traitor's Toll

If you join the Facebook Group for Guards Of Traitor's Toll, you'll find these miniatures in the Files section. These were early test miniatures developed by Graham during the initial design period for the game and now he has made them available for folks to download. They represent a Servant and a Page who should be fun to paint and perhaps test some schemes on.

For those unaware of Guards Of Traitor's Toll, it is a semi-cooperative game for two players where you will control a Guard Captain and a patrol of five Guards. You will need to tackle various tasks during a game including capturing escaped prisoners or battling crazed wizards. You both want to achieve your goals and keep the town safe but you're also trying to get more renown than your friend. You can use violence to solve your problems but that can put the people on edge and both players could lose. We've got a great narrative game coming together from Grey For Now Games.

It's also worth following the Facebook Group so you can see what else Graham has been sculpting including this imperious-looking noble fellow.

Noble WiP - Guards Of Traitors Toll

Noble WiP // Guards Of Traitor's Toll

The miniatures are shaping up rather nicely indeed. Hopefully, it won't be long before we get to see more from the game, especially on the gameplay side of things. The game has already garnered quite a following with a lot of folks thinking up interesting bands of guards they want to put together.

Will you be joining the group and downloading those miniatures?

"For those unaware of Guards Of Traitor's Toll, it is a semi-cooperative game for two players where you will control a Guard Captain and a patrol of five Guards..."

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